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(V)iew User Settings - Function Help

Subcommands:  NONE


  Allows viewing your current user settings.  Included in the
  listing are:

  The number of system caller you are
  Your Default Page Length
  Your System Expiration Date (or NONE)
  Your Security Level
  Your Last Date On
  The last message number you read
  The current high message number
  Number of Active Messages
  Available download bytes available for that day
  Default Transfer Protocol Selected

Additional Display

  If you have sysop privileges, the following additional items will be shown:

  Low Message Number
  Number of Messages Defined
  Number of Free Message Slots Available

  The above displays are made to those with sysop privileges so that
  decisions can be made as to when to pack that message base and/or to
  define additional message blocks for storing messages.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson